Adrien Brochier

I’m maître de conférences at Université Paris-cité and a member of the team “Groups, representations and geometry” of the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche.
My research interests are mainly in quantum algebra and mathematical physics, and their relation with low dimensional topology. I grew up working on quantum groups and analogs of Drinfeld associators, the so-called KZ equation and the associated representations of braid groups and links invariants. Now I’m trying to use a certain “higher algebraic” point of view on topological field theories and deformation-quantization in a somewhat concrete way to prove stuffs in representation theory and low-dimensional topology.
I’m a co-organizer of the Journées de topologie quantique
I contributed a couple of short texts (and one picture) to the 2023 maths calendar published by the Presses Universitaires de Grenoble.
I’m a member of the ANR project SHoCoS led by my colleague Najib Idrissi.
I am part of the organization of the Paris instance of “Les Maths C pour L”, a “math camp” for female undegrads.
I also like computer science and programming. I recently started learning Julia, more on that soon !
I co-organized two of the Workshops on classical and quantum integrability in Glasgow and Edinburgh.